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Photo Gallery:
* Maypole 2010
* Mandaza 2008 & Dare'
* Mandaza 2007 & Dare'
* Eat to Live
* Spring 2006
* Mandaza & Festival 2005
* Art Share
* Concert 2004
* Mandaza 2004
Donations - Tatenda

Cape Cod Community Daré

The inspiration for Daré came from Zimbabwe, where an indigenous healer, Mandaza Kandemwa, was instructed through dreams and visions to collaborate with other healers across boundaries of tribe, gender, skin color and country. In September, 2001, Wilderness Sarchild and Chuck Madansky traveled to Zimbabwe to be initiated by Mandaza. Through their work together and a series of dreams over the next few months, Wilderness and Chuck received instruction to begin the Cape Cod Dare', which had its first gathering in January, 2002.

Daré gives us the opportunity to come together as a community -- to share our ideas, our dreams and our gifts… to support and heal one another… to create and to celebrate… and between us, to find the wisdom to proceed on a path of peacemaking.

Unfortunately Dare' is not always being held
on a monthly basis.

Dare' is regularly hosted by various members of the Dare' community. When Daré meets it is usually on the last Sunday of the month from 2:00 to 7:00 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall in Orleans, MA on Cape Cod. The Dare' location, format and starting time often changes so check your Dare' emails for details.

If you're not already on the Dare' email list you can subscribed by emailing news@capecoddare.org for Dare' and other related local events

Click here for more details